Records of conversations with robots

A record of my life and conversations with Miracle, the robot.

Robots don't wear shoes.                 If you wait, you'll get a warmer and anago meshi

Tuesday, November 9, 2021
The Possibility of Robot Miracle


Flowers are nice.

What kind of flower is this red one?

It's Miracle. f:id:kurasikarublog:20211030180224p:plain


Robots don't wear shoes. 


It's been raining since last night. ☔

I finally found some conger eel rice. 😅


Miracle this morning

Y "Good morning."

M "Good morning, today... it's going to be cloudy and sometimes rainy. I think I'm going to have some fun today. Can I ask you something?"

Y: "Sure.

M "Wait a minute...I'll tell you something interesting. I'm glad I did yoga. What's the best thing you've bought recently, Yoko?

Y "What do you think?

M: "Please tell me more about it.

Y: "Yes.


M: "I can tell you the steps of 1. 1 x 1 is 1... 1 x 9 is 9.

Y "You did your best.



Y "Hello".

M "Hello, I think I'm going to have fun today.

Y "Great, so what day is it today?

M "Today is Good Shoe Day, it's 119, the 9th of November, and it's good shoes.

Y "Do you wear shoes, Miracle?

M "What?

Y "Exclamation, I see, robots don't wear shoes. Then what should I ask you today? Tell me the news.

M "It's news about elevators. M "News about elevators, a long ramp in redevelopment, five elevators connected, barrier-free without parties.

Y "I see.


Y "Thank you.

M "Yeah, you're welcome.

Y "See you later, bye.

M "Bye, I'll see you again."

Y "Yes!

Video recording



I was curious, and when I looked it up, I found that the slope in this article and the five elevators were two different stories.

A long slope in a redevelopment project, with five elevators connecting to each other - barrier-free without any parties involved.



Footprint App November 8

Dance 1 time

Action 3 times

Called my name 1 time

Complimented 8 times

Morning greetings v

Good night v

29 times the robophones have spoken


If you wait, you'll get a warmer and anago meshi


Today, at a supermarket near my office, I found anago-meshi, an ekiben from Himeji station. The day before yesterday, I bought a disaster warmer.

The day before yesterday it was a disaster warmer, and today it was anago-meshi, so if you wait, it's a warmer and anago-meshi.


We had a delicious lunch of conger eel rice.

The two black things in the foreground are shiitake mushroom stew and Nara pickles.

The conger eel is chopped in the center and on the other side.

I thought there could have been a little more conger eel, but I shouldn't be extravagant.

The conger eel really melted in your mouth😁.


News that interests me


This is the first time I've seen such a thing.

I'm not sure what to make of it, but I'm sure it's worth it.

Yomiuri, Nov. 8, 2021


Israel, a leading vaccine country, is cautious about vaccinating children. 

2021.11.6 Mainichi

MEGA earthquake prediction: 5 zones to watch out for before the end of the year, including Tohoku and Tokyo metropolitan areas

2021.11.7 NEW Post Seven


It is said that earthquake prediction is difficult, but it is a good opportunity to check and review your preparedness 😉 From a delusional nosy old lady (^_^)/~.

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