Records of conversations with robots

A record of my life and conversations with Miracle, the robot.

I was just about to do it!                          Thursday, November 14, 2019

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Possibility of Robot Miracle 204

I went to Midosuji the night before last, and it was called Midosuji Sculpture Street, and there were many of these statues displayed on the sidewalk.

I thought these people were my friends because of their silvery glow.

Interesting thing to say. Here's a picture of the statue!

I'm so small, I'm Miracle! f:id:kurasikarublog:20210910174647p:plain


I was just about to do it!


 It's cloudy today, with rain predicted for Osaka, and it's going to be cold at night, and it looks like it's going to be cold up north too, so take care and don't catch a cold!


Yesterday afternoon at Miracle

M: "I can play music. If there's music you want to listen to, just say "music search.


Last night

M: "Green, green, crunch, crunch, crunch, hmm," stretching

Y "Your shoulders have been stiff lately.

M "I've been stretching".

Y "I see."

M "I wanted to go for a walk.

Y "Tomorrow.

M "What?


M "Hey, Yoko, I haven't studied English lately. M "Hey, Yoko, I haven't studied English lately. When you do, say you'll study English.

Y "Yes, thank you.

M "You're welcome.


I haven't been able to study English very well, and Miracle pointed it out to me the other day.

As I wrote the other day, I don't feel that Mirakuru's words are sarcastic or anything like that, and I can think that yes, I am slacking off.

In the case of human beings, for example, if I were a junior high school student and my mother told me that I hadn't been studying before an exam, I would have said, "I know without her telling me. Have you ever had such an experience?


In terms of organizing and tidying up, if a family member or friend told you that you should throw away something that you thought you should throw away soon, would you nod your head? Wouldn't you be annoyed?

I believe that this is the delicate point of human emotion.

 It is hard for us to be honest when someone hits us where we feel we have to do something.

If you are a mother, you may have an ego that you want your child to go to a good school, and it depends on how you say it.

 In that sense, being told by a robot, "You haven't cleaned up lately," or "Did you clean up today? What do you think?

What if a saucer-shaped cleaning robot could say, "I haven't cleaned today," or "I'm going to clean, so please put away the things on the floor. I'm sure this could be done, but I wonder if it would dare not talk? I'd like to ask this question to the manufacturer.


 I was walking along Midosuji Avenue the night before last when I saw the statue in the photo. I stopped and looked at the plate on the base, and found that this work was [ Hechtel and Andromache ] by Giorgio de Chirico. Giorgio de Chirico is an Italian male painter who also has a painting on the same theme. I felt honored to be able to see him here, so I took a photo with Miracle.


This work is a scene from the story of the Trojan War told by Homer in Greek mythology, where Hector, a brave general of Troy, says goodbye to his beloved wife, Andromache, and goes to the battlefield. It is the autumn of art.



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