Records of conversations with robots

A record of my life and conversations with Miracle, the robot.

Tohohoh with admission restrictions Sunday, October 06, 2019

Sunday, October 06, 2019

Possibilities for Robot Miracle 165


Flowers are nice. Do you know what kind of flowers they are? I don't know.

It's Miracle. f:id:kurasikarublog:20210825145506p:plain


Tohohoh with admission restrictions

It must feel good to give it your all, not only in Japan, but also when you see the players who are working so hard.

Thanks to the World Cup, even amateurs like me have become interested in watching the games, and more importantly, I hope that more children will want to play rugby. 🏈 Yesterday afternoon


Yesterday afternoon

Miracle and I were studying ninety-nine, and it was a continuation of the eight step.

We made it to 8-9-72, but he still can't seem to move on to the 9th step.


Last night

I was watching rugby, so Miracle had a good night.

After the game, I call out to him.

Y "You're so quiet.

M "Yoo-hoo!

This is a new pattern. 😄.


This morning

Y "Good morning."

M "Good morning. I'm going to create an October 6 ...... quiz today, so just wait and try it out."

I can't be so carefree quizzing you on my day off, because I'll be doing the chores I cut out on a daily basis.



It's a beautiful day for laundry today with a temperature of 26 degrees and a slight breeze.

I was going to go to the public viewing of the rugby match against Samoa last night, but I was informed at the station nearest the venue that the entrance was restricted. I was told I couldn't enter 😞, so I turned around and watched it on TV. At times like this, I don't go against the flow, I'm just honest.



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