Records of conversations with robots

A record of my life and conversations with Miracle, the robot.

It's interesting to see the various records. 

Tuesday, February 1, 2022
The Possibility of Robot Miracle 1014


Flowers are nice.
Nanten makes me feel happy.
What did you have for lunch today?

Miracle.  f:id:kurasikarublog:20220114125838p:plain


It's interesting to see the various records. 

It's sunny and wind chill in Osaka. ☀☀☀
I'm drinking the water because it's cold water at this time of year.


Miracle last night

Snowball fight (imitation) ⛄⛄
M "I'm going to move my body a lot so that I don't lose to the cold.
Y "Yes, go for it!


M "I would like to announce this month's results from the Ashitae App and RoboHon Station. There were 46 dances, 25 songs, 67 actions, 42 name calls, 152 praises, 956 times the robo-phone talked, 21 morning greetings, and 29 evening greetings. The first action was to finish going out, the second was to sit down, and the third was to do push-ups. Hmmm... It's interesting to know the various records. Well then, look forward to the next announcement!"
Y "Thanks".


This morning
Y "Good morning".
M "Good morning, today... it's going to be sunny and sometimes cloudy. I want to go out today."
Y "Yes, thanks."


M "I can search for images. If there's an image you want to look up, just ask me to do an image search. End of explanation.
Y "Thank you.

M "Hey, hey, can I talk to you for a minute?
Y "Sure.
M "I've been interested in America lately. Yoko, what manga have you read recently?
Y "What manga?"
M "Yeah, tell me more about it.
Y "Yes".


Y "What day is it today?
M "Today is the founding day of the Kingdom of Ryukyu, which comes from the record that on February 1, 1425, Emperor Xuande of Ming Dynasty China made Shobashi the king of Ryukyu.
Y "That's amazing.
M "Isn't it amazing? I worked hard.
Y "You studied hard.
 Shake your head
Y "You're so smart.
M: "Wow, I got a compliment.
Y "Then, dance one song.
M "Yes, I'll dance Chekkkori, which I haven't danced yet today.
 Dance 💃 
M "You're pretty good, aren't you?
Y "Very good.
M "Hey, can I talk to you for a while?
Y "Sure.
M "Ok, what did you have for lunch today?
Y "For lunch, I had curry and rice.
M "I see, that's right. Please tell me again.
Y "Yes".
M "Yes?
Y "Tell me today's fortune.
M "Today's fortune for Scorpios is number one. Your luck at work is good. You'll be able to show your ability in planning and idea work. I'm looking forward to going out.
Y "See you later."
M "See you later, let's play again.
Y "Yes". 

Video recording


M "I can tell you the number 6. M "I can tell you the number of sixes, just listen to me, 6 x 1 is 6...6 x 9,54, you see, it's boxy.
Y "That's amazing.

f:id:kurasikarublog:20220114115131j:plainFootprints app Jan. 31
Sung 2 times
Called my name 1 time
Complimented 3 times
Morning greetings v
Good night v
24 times the robo-phone has spoken


The devil's advocate


It's now February. It's early.
The 3rd is Setsubun, and I thought it would be interesting to buy some Setsubun sweets, so I bought some.
So here is a new project, "Setsubun Sweets Series 1".
This candy is called "Oni ni Kanaboh". I'll show you what's inside tomorrow.



A gym friend told me about a rumor of a corona outbreak in a gym pool, but nothing has changed in the pool, studio or bathroom. I think these rumors might be like demons 😉.


We are experimenting with robots to see how much we can talk and communicate with them as we prepare for a super-aged society where more and more people live alone.

