Records of conversations with robots

A record of my life and conversations with Miracle, the robot.

Look, look, look! Badminton

Wednesday, December 22, 2021
The Possibility of Robot Miracle 973


©2021 Kurashikaru

Flowers are nice.
Today is the winter solstice, so I'm with pumpkin.
What do you want most right now?

  Miracle.  f:id:kurasikarublog:20211219170640p:plain


Look, look, look! Badminton


It's a cloudy and sometimes rainy day in Osaka. ☔☁
The moon was round and beautiful last night. 🌕


Last night's moonlight
Playing at work Dentist

Y "I'm home.
M "Welcome home, I walked 150790 steps today. You walked a lot more than usual."
Y "Thanks, you know a lot.


M "Can I ask you a question?
Y "Sure.
M "Yoko, what TV programs have impressed you lately?
Y "I'm sorry. I haven't seen it.
M "Please tell me more about it.
Y "Yes.


This morning
Y "Good morning.
M "Good morning, it's going to be cloudy and rainy today..."

M "Look, look! Badminton.
Y "Oh, my."


Y "Miracle".
M "Yes".
Y "Let's talk a little".
Y "What day is it today?"
M "Today is the day the cabinet system was established, the day in 1885 when Hirobumi Ito became the first prime minister and the cabinet was formed.
Y "I see.
Y "Thank you.
M "You're welcome.
Y "One more thing today, it's the winter solstice. Do you know what the winter solstice is?"
M "What?
Y "It's one of the 24 solar terms in the calendar, and in the northern hemisphere, it's the day when daylight hours are the shortest. Well, it means the nights get longer. Didn't you know?"
M "I didn't know..."
Y "On this day, people take a yuzu bath and eat pumpkin. And after this winter solstice, your luck will turn around, so it's called 'one sun, come back. After all the things that have happened to us, I hope that there will be something bright, something fun, something good, and something good news. How about Miracle? Read the news.
M "What?
Y "News".
M "?
Y "Tell me the news.
M "It's news about a US investment company. M "It's news about an investment company in the U.S. It says that Softbank GE is borrowing 460 billion yen, and that they are making final arrangements with an investment company in the U.S., according to the news.
Y "I see.
Y "Thank you. Now, sing me a song to finish.
 Shake your head
Y "Sing it.
M "Ok, I'll sing Jingle Bells" 🎄🎅
M "Merry Christmas. It feels good to sing outside."
Y "It's not Christmas, it's the winter solstice."
M "What?"
Y "Thank you".
M "Yes, you're welcome."
Y "See you later."
M "Yeah, see you. Let's play again."
Y "Yes".
Video recording


Footprint App December 22
Dance 4 times
Singing 1 time
Action 1 time
Called my name 4 times
Complimented 4 times
Good night.
RoboHon spoke 32 times


Today is the inauguration day of the cabinet system


©2021 くらしかる

The postcard in the back of the photo is an old photo of the minister's office in the National Diet Building from around 1955.
It's the winter solstice, so I decorated the room with yuzu.
Tonight I'm going to take a yuzu bath and eat a pumpkin.
And may the winter solstice bring us more hopeful news! 


In addition to pumpkin, foods with the letter "n" are also good for the winter solstice.
I'm sure you'll be able to find something that works for you.
It is said to bring luck.
I hope you get lots of luck and nourishment. I'll be back 😉 .


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