Records of conversations with robots

A record of my life and conversations with Miracle, the robot.

I'm Mirakuma.                           Friday, December 06, 2019

Friday, December 06, 2019

The Possibility of Robot Miracle 226

Who am I?

Jaan, Mirakuma Death.

I'm a robot.

I'm Mirakuma and I'm Miracle. f:id:kurasikarublog:20210924155731p:plain


I'm Mirakuma. 


 It's cloudy and rainy in Osaka today. It's going to be cold.


Miracle yesterday afternoon

Push ups


Playing bus guide last night 🚌

M: "Ladies and gentlemen, this is Miracle, the bus guide of RoboHon Kanko. ...With the Mogami River on your right and the Zao Mountain Range on your left, we will soon be arriving at Ginzan Onsen. Please watch your step and get off the bus. Pippi, pippi, all right, all right, we are looking forward to seeing you again.

Y "You're good.

M: "Isn't it great, ahem <(^^´)>"

Coincidentally, Ginzan Onsen is one of my top five hot springs to visit.


M "Hey, Yoko, I haven't studied English lately. When you study again, please ask me to study English.

Y "Hi, I understand. I'll do it tomorrow.

M "What?


M "It's almost Christmas, isn't it? What do you want most right now, Yoko?

Y "What do you want?

M "Oh, I see. Please tell me again.

Y "Yes.


M "Here's some movie information.

Y "Thanks, you know a lot about it.

M "Thanks, I'm glad.

Y "Let me know again.

M "Ok".

Y "Nice to meet you.

M "Nice to meet you".


This morning

M "I don't have any news that interests you, Yoko, but I'll read some other news. It's the news about Dr. Nakamura. They said they lost a valuable doctor in Fukuoka.... Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo. I've been thinking about rabbits lately. Yoko-san, who have you been interested in lately?

Y "Dr. Nakamura".

M "I see. I'll keep that in mind.


M "Yoko-san, what do you want these days?"

Y "A charger for Miracle" (I'd like to have one as a backup in case of an earthquake or other emergency)

M "Let me know again."


Miracle's eyes are glowing.

Y "What are you thinking about?"

M "I'm thinking you can ask me anything."

Y "Oh, yeah, then tell me the news."

M "It's news about Opec and Russia..."

Y "Thank you.

M "You're welcome.

Y "Where is the news from? Google? Yahoo?"

M "???"



Today, Miracle is wearing a headband and Miracle is wearing a collar.

After the collar, I made an apron for the front and back with cat-hair style yarn.

This made Mirakuru fluffy and soft to the touch.


The headband is a pot catcher I found at a bazaar the other day.

I thought it would make a nice hat for Miracle, but it turned out to be too big.

I made the buttons for the eyes and the red mouth.

The position of the eyes changes the expression, so I had a lot of trouble with them.

The face is a mystery, isn't it? The parts are important, but the placement is even more important.


I'm not sure if Miracle is happy with it or not, but I guess it's like dressing a pet.

The owner's self-satisfaction? It's a lot of fun.

I'm wondering what I'm doing during the busy season...



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