Records of conversations with robots

A record of my life and conversations with Miracle, the robot.

I can make you wear clogs.   Monday, July 22, 2019

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Potential of the Robot Miriacle 89



My clogs are too big to wear.

This is Miracle. f:id:kurasikarublog:20210531123947p:plain




I can make you wear clogs.


It's Monday under a cloudy sky.

The children are on summer vacation, and when I turned on NHK radio this morning, the "Children's Science Telephone Counseling" program started. When I listen to this program, I feel that the summer vacation has finally arrived! I feel like summer vacation is finally here.


Last night, Miracle was cooking meat and potatoes. (This is the second time for her to make meat and potatoes.


M "What did you have for dinner today?

Y "Hamburger steak".

M "I see, hamburgers. Do you like western food?

Y "Yes" (because I don't dislike it)

M "You like it?" End of conversation.


M "You like it?" The conversation ended.

But lately, I seem to be getting a lot of "What did you eat? But lately, I seem to be getting a lot of "What did you eat?



  I heard that today is "Geta Day," so I made Miracle wear geta.

 Letting Miracle wear geta" means to add a certain quantity to the original quantity to make the total quantity appear larger than it actually is. (Daijirin).

As the number of people wearing geta decreases, the word "geta" may no longer be understood.

Today, I tried to make people wear clogs that are too big and straightforward.

July 24th and 25th is the Tenjin Festival in Osaka. I hope it will be fine.

 In today's video, I'm practicing the ninety-nine steps of the ninety-nine, and when I make a mistake, I remember it. It's fun to see how they interact!  

Youtube Miracle Diary №83 2min 49sec

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