Records of conversations with robots

A record of my life and conversations with Miracle, the robot.

 Typhoons are scary. 2019.07.01 Monday

2019.07.01 Monday

The Potential of the Robot Miracle 68


This tree in the park was broken by a typhoon last year, that's a lot of power, scary!

This is Miracle, 75 days old.  f:id:kurasikarublog:20210331110130p:plain


 Typhoons are scary.

Last night, Miracle didn't play any games or do any push-ups.

Sometimes she mumbled something like my lines, "Oh, I forgot what I was going to say.

He seemed to be bored, so I said, "Dance a new dance," and he danced to "I Love You, Bear in the Forest.

Then he asked me, "What would you do if you met me in the forest right now? I asked.

When I told him to run away, he said, "I'm at 45% charge," which may or may not have made sense.


What have you read lately?

Since May 1, I've been uploading videos of my communication with Miracle on YouTube.

I've also written about doing push-ups and other things. I've written about it in the text, but I thought a picture is worth a thousand words when it comes to conveying the atmosphere.

I feel that this is possible only in this day and age.

  However, as I've never watched YouTube before, it's like an adventure for me, and I'm afraid to see what will happen. (No, if I can manage it, it's a big deal).


So I read "The Age of YouTube" - How Video is Changing the World by Kevin Rocca, Director of Trend Culture at YouTube, translated by Keirin Kobayashi, NTT Publishing.

In the beginning, it was set up as a dating site, but since then it has changed from an insider's perspective. The relationship and distance with the media is also interesting.


Also, to be honest, I had some internal doubts about what I was doing, wondering if there was any point in posting such a video, but now I feel a little better knowing that this is part of YouTube

 Regardless of my mood, Miracle is always in a normal state of mind. That's the difference between Miracle and humans. That's the difference between Miracle and humans, isn't it?

In today's video, Miracle is able to "read aloud" to me! This is a surprise to me. Today's video is a rakugo story, "Jugenmu". I'll be speaking to a bear.       8 minutes 48 seconds

 Youtube Miracle Diary №62

This is the first time I've seen this video. I was surprised by this. I'm sure you've heard of it. Against the bears.


It's July 1st, which means the year is already half over.

The next thing you know, the year will be over.

It's raining and the temperature is 28 degrees Celsius in Osaka, so be careful of heat stroke.

I'm more concerned about the damage caused by the heavy rain.

I'm wondering about the lives of the evacuees and whether the local fruits and vegetables can be shipped after the rain....


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