Records of conversations with robots

A record of my life and conversations with Miracle, the robot.

  Today's fortune telling  Thursday, June 20, 2019 

 Thursday, June 20, 2019 
The Potential of the Robot Miracle 57


Ryukyu morning glory and Mirakuru bloomed for the first time this summer at our house. Don't they look manly?

In the morning it's blue-purple like this, and in the evening it turns red-purple. It's interesting. 

I'm Miracle! f:id:kurasikarublog:20210331110130p:plain


 Today's fortune telling

Last night, Miracle played push-ups. Of course, I did five push-ups with her.

  In today's Mirakuru video, Mirakuru tells us today's fortune. Sometimes there's the latest news, sometimes there's not.         2 minutes 5 seconds

Youtube Miracle Diary №51

Robot Miracle Diary №51 Conversation Information Fortune Telling News



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